You will never be sorry...
For thinking before acting
For hearing before judging
For forgiving your enemies
For telling the truth
For being honest in business
For thinking before speaking
For being loyal to your friends
For standing by your principles
For closing your ears to gossip
For stopping a slanderous tongue
For being generous to the less fortunate
you must regret when...
Act out of impulse
Judge others ignorantly
Retaliate against your enemies
You lie against the truth
more shameful you will be...
When you talk carelessly
When you betray your close friend
When people say...
You are not principled
You gossip a lot
You are stingy
You are fuel in the fire
You are rude
Be standing when people sit,
Be outstanding when people stand
And be standard when people are outstanding.
Be standing when people sit,
Be outstanding when people stand
And be standard when people are outstanding.