Let's know who knows Her...
Mary: As Catholics, we can handsomely tell or say who the
Blessed Virgin Mary is. We don’t need to be told about the poor village girl of
Nazareth. We need no one to tell us of that daughter of Joachim and Anne who
was conceived without fault, who in fact is the Immaculate Conception. We no
longer need any Divine revelation, in as much as we have the Bible, to give us the
faintest information on the ‘Mater Dei’.
We know Jesus (presumably), and we should know about Mary His mother.
Catholics know that our faith is based on the Sacred Scripture and the Church's
Teachings and Traditions. In fact, if any Catholic was asked, "Who is Mary
of Nazareth to you personally?" We would definitely say, "She is my
Mother". But then if we are asked a second question, "Why do you
honour Her?" Most of us would be dumbstruck! Is it because the Church
teaches us to? Is it because our parents and elders taught us so? Or are there
some other reasons? For me, there definitely is. It is because I receive my
Saviour Jesus' parting gift - the most valuable gift - His own Mother to be my
Mother. What an honour and privilege it is!
Who then is She?

INTERCESSION means “seeking the presence and
hearing of God on behalf of others”. It can also be the coming in-between two
parties to ensure a co-existence, or rather serving as a link between parties,
but mainly unequal parties. There are various areas in which Christians need
intercession – though summarized under two headings – Salvation and Prayer.
Anybody can intercede for others depending on his/her status, and on his
relationship with both parties. A cordial relationship between any of the
parties can help to accelerate whatever case in hand; more so, a cordial relationship
between both parties can make it as fast as…
Normally, the intercessor’s move begins with an approach by
one party (presumably the lower party). This normally is born out of a certain
confidence in the said intercessor by the lower party, to make things or at
least, to help make things right again, even after so many failed efforts by
the party. The case can be a reconciliation case, an apology not yet accepted,
certain favour(s) not granted – maybe job recruitment, promotion etc. whatever
be it, the intercessor is normally someone who is influential either to either
party or both. In cases of prayer we are well aware of someone telling the
other(s) thus: “Please remember me in your prayer”, “kindly pray for me in
so…so aspect” etc These requests are made in faith that God may be more
favourable to the intercessor… (see also ‘Mediation’ form the back pages of the
‘African Bible’). Just as we intercede for and with one another, so do the
saints and Angels, for us [1Tim. 2:1; Rev. 5:8].
PARADIGM: Model, Ideal; Mold, Form; Example,
Pattern (Also the back pages of the above quoted Bible).
In prayer, The Blessed Virgin Mary:
aid us to raise our minds and hearts to God (this being the main objective of
prayer), not to Her. This can be achieved by meditating and contemplating on
Her mysteries (of the Rosary) and the life of Her Son.
obtain certain favours and graces for us. If we commend ourselves to the
prayers of our fellows, why not Mary. If through a brother’s prayer, healing,
forgiveness or certain graces are obtained, then how much more the B.V.M?
Verses 1&2:
Jesus was invited together with Mary His Mother. Invite
Mother Mary into your life (Behind every successful man, as the saying goes,
there is a woman – this is also true in our spiritual journey). Inviting Mary
into our lives now presupposes that she shares with us everything (and the
disciple took Her home from that day…). She rejoices with us in moments of joy;
and as well suffers and bears with us in moments of sorrow. Jesus is the
perfect example of these happens, and maybe John. Invitation is the first step.
The bridegroom invited Her to share their joy; Mary on the process, was keen to
notice the shortage of wine (very essential for wedding feasts) which the
bridegroom may not have noticed. One doesn’t even have to ask Her anything,
She’s sensitive enough. Let’s not forget She is also our mother. Let’s not be
like those who call upon Her only in the
moments of distress – for these people, She still answers, but with a
difference: those who have invited Her to their lives need not request for
something before they get it…She recognizes our needs and when we’re in need
even when we seem not to…
Verse 3:
There came a point when ‘it’ finished. Anything can be this
‘it’. For this bridegroom, it was wine. For each and every one of us, it can be
anything – food, shelter, love, money, fervor, zeal, virtue, sweetness of life…
And because Mary was there (invited), it lasted just for a while. Remember
Jesus was also there, and He is God. The disciples were there. It wouldn’t be a
shame or disgrace on Her and Her Son, it would be the bridegroom’s load to
carry. She didn’t wait for the bridegroom to start running around, or come and
seek for help. She did not just have sympathy (most people will stop there),
She empathized with them; She felt their sorrow. She would naturally wait for
God’s time (Christ’s time) to come but She moved in a way that would interrupt,
or rather fast-forward this time. And the She made a move: “They have no wine…”
Verses 4& ff:
At Christ’s response, some people would’ve recoiled back to
their shells – they would have given up. The disciples would have given up.
Mother Mary did not, because, not only did She know Her Son, She has us as Her
Children. She knew the hour hasn’t yet come, yet She dared.
To get something from God, perseverance is quite expedient
(remember the Canaanite woman whose child was possessed; or also the story of
the Widow and a certain king),and not many of us have it.
There is no need for much argument between Mother and Son;
the Son would obey (He already did for 30yrs). She P.U.S.Hed (prayed until
something happened – such is the nature of Her intercession/prayer for us). The mother knows the heart of Her Son, so She
told the servants: ”Do whatever He tells you”.
Mary is the perfect example of intercessors because, while
God could say ‘No’ to Her, It’s normally ‘YES’ because She never said NO to
She is the paradigm because, even if an intercessor is
required to be without sin, or any history of sin…, She alone qualifies. So,
others look up to Her, learn from Her example. (imagine a sinner praying for a
sinner: what will be the possible end product? Ever wondered why Christ had to
be without sin?)
Will it really surprise us if from time to time, the saints
and co., go to God through Her. She is the queen of All Saints, …and the Queen
of Angels…She has got to be…
The three relationships
with God:
God is One …but in
three Divine persons though…
God the Father, Mary stands as the Daughter of a King, who has the key to the
Father’s heart.
God the Son, Mary is a Queen Mother who still knows the Son, the king…and who
nothing is refused.
God the Holy Spirit, Mary still stands as the Queen next to the king…and the
kings heart is in Her hands, so tender and loving.
Whatever…but having said YES to God
from the day of annunciation, God will hardly say NO to Her even in Her glory…
WE AS INTERCESSORS… (Lessons from Mary’s Character in the passage)
Yearn for the joy of others
Make a move or ask for it
Persevere (P.U.S.H)