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Friday, March 14, 2008

Some things to keep U really busy.

Christ cannot be compared

He came from the bossom of his father to the bossom of a woman
He took humanity that we may take divinity
He came From heaven where rivers never flow, winds never blow, flowers never fall, no one ever dies and no one is ever buried
He was born contrary to the law of nature
In infancy, He inconvenienced the King
In boyhood, He puzzled the doctors
In Manhood, He took the law of nature
He was rich but for our sake, He became poor
He never wrote a hymn but has published more songs
Than all the song writers put together
He is the rock of geology
The lion and lamb of zoology
The organizer of all his flock
And the healer of all dieseases
Great Men have come and gone, Yet He lives on
Herod could not kill Him
Satan could not seduce Him
Pilate could not destroy Him
And the grave could not hold HIm...