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Tuesday, November 13, 2012


O citadel once great!
Magnificient, you stood glorious
Heaven’s birds on you perched
As they sing to your maker.

O temple once fair!
As His hands did you make
The creator’s with much care
For He, in you, shall dwell.

O house once hallowed
From the abundance of the ONE!
How you’ve been shadowed
By the cloud of your wrongs/ own doings.

Once made from the earth
Then despised and trampled upon
Now marred to death
Any hope like the risen one’s?

Through your windows unrestrained
Came flying the vultures
Foul dungs down they rained
In the dwelling of your maker

Your ambo speaks
Not in praise of Him
But with certain insolence
Some blasphemy and sacrilege.

Never free, your sanctuary
From dead bones and carcass
And your altar a mortuary
For all who worship in you.

Once great, fair and hallowed
O man, wonder of creation!
Then nought, rotten and profaned
Your body, God’s temple.

For more, the flesh craves
The eye, for lust acquiesces
The heart, for shadows yearns
The tongue, like fire, blazes

Your maker, deprived, waits
The vultures, from you, drive
Clean up! Open your gates
In His abode, may He enter

Then shall your ambo sing
In praise and joy
And once more be pure
And not again profaned.

...Austyn Chimbu...

Sunday, June 10, 2012


To God it Cried 
Abel’s blood for vengeance.
For justice theirs cry
Much louder than his.

Oh victims of the neo-science!
In the echelon of the new world
Their silent voice though piercing,
Resounds in a deafening bang.
Altars are erected;
For God, no, for death
The altar  of science thirsts for blood 
Where Satan is himself the chief priest.

The undying voice of the defenseless:
Where could be safer?
When the womb can no longer contain
Can the test tube shelter? 

 Hei allies, agents of death!
Hardly had they lived than died.
Yes, they died once
You will die many times.

Weak and defenseless they seem
Powerful and protected you appear.
Yet God is their shepherd
And death your guardian.

Like them you longed to see the light
You deserved it no more than them.
Now you live so that they die
You too will die when they live…

Like Abel, their maker hears them
For He hears, who made the ear
Unlike Cain, he’ll not spare you
Since He punishes, who corrects nations[1]

[1] [Ps. 94:9-10]                              
                                                                                                                       By Austyne Chimbuoyim 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coming together to celebrate life... Life, even for a second, is worth respecting and preserving. It's sacredness is based on the fact that 'it wells up from the spring of HIS word, HIS existence and HIS essence. Life has no duplicate,... you can't but live it...NO CHOiCE.
No one can tell why some people die young when they would like to live to a ripe old age; nor can anyone tell why some live to such an old age that they beg for death. the truth of the matter is, just like the psalmist said " You take back Your Spirit, they die... You send forth Your Spirit, they are created, and You renew the face of the earth".
It was the maker's hands that formed us. And as the prophet would say, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." (Jer. 1:5); "it was You who created and shaped me" God's breath in us {Gen.2:7} is His Spirit. The Spirit is God's Word in action - the power of God's Word - and Ít it îs that invigorates us (withdrawn we are dead). No wonder Peter proclaîmed in the gospels: "Your Words are Spirit Lord and they are life..."(Jn. 6:63,68) Murder is a sin, but the killing of the most defenseless is a sin against God's Spirit. Why? It is the termination of God's Spirit [life] in them without (1) His consent and (2) without their consent.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Who Deceives who?

With the appearance of light comes shadow
Yet the real remains unchanged.
Though far from reality, it tells of the reality of the real.
Assume the world without shadows

Pity though it be,
that the two exist,
Or three: light, reality and shadow.
Or should darkness make four?

For most of the world’s vision,
Occupy the shadow and all its like.
But only few men see the real thing.
Imagine a shadow-less world.

The shadow – as beautiless as it is,
so non-majestic and formless,
Yet it draws the attention of many-a-man
From beholding the beauty of reality.

Is the real made for the very-few alone?
Or has the eyes turned away from it?
This I know:
that in darkness exists no shadow;
Without the real, no shadow deceives 

That light shines to unveil the reality
Yet it can’t help making more shadows
To deceive the sons of men.
Think of a world without shadows

Why do many perish, sons of men?
And why are very few wise?
From nothing comes nothing
Shadows habour no wisdom, nor do darkness

True wisdom lies in the light, in the real
And not very many behold the real

But then, for the neophytes,
what is the real?
Where lies it?
Since many take the shadows for the real

Very simple, first is the light;
Then the real;
At the bases comes the shadow.
Simply look beyond it

There lies the in-thing…

-Austyn chimbu-