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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coming together to celebrate life... Life, even for a second, is worth respecting and preserving. It's sacredness is based on the fact that 'it wells up from the spring of HIS word, HIS existence and HIS essence. Life has no duplicate,... you can't but live it...NO CHOiCE.
No one can tell why some people die young when they would like to live to a ripe old age; nor can anyone tell why some live to such an old age that they beg for death. the truth of the matter is, just like the psalmist said " You take back Your Spirit, they die... You send forth Your Spirit, they are created, and You renew the face of the earth".
It was the maker's hands that formed us. And as the prophet would say, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." (Jer. 1:5); "it was You who created and shaped me" God's breath in us {Gen.2:7} is His Spirit. The Spirit is God's Word in action - the power of God's Word - and Ít it îs that invigorates us (withdrawn we are dead). No wonder Peter proclaîmed in the gospels: "Your Words are Spirit Lord and they are life..."(Jn. 6:63,68) Murder is a sin, but the killing of the most defenseless is a sin against God's Spirit. Why? It is the termination of God's Spirit [life] in them without (1) His consent and (2) without their consent.

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