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Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Snapping Rope

The rope has been strained
It can withstand no further force
The rope has been stressed
Making the snappy sound as it cries

No side is spared
It is like a string which its elastic limit has been exceeded
Going towards the yield point
And finally the breaking point

But in a case when more force is added
it will have no option
than to submit to the persuading voices of the forces
For the power of many outwits the strength of one

Oh you the hardships of this world
You who take delight in rendering people useless
You who go to the party of the agony
Always misleading people

So powerful that none can escape you
None can withstand nor outwit U
You have denied me of my rights
You have almost made me useless
Keeping me like a rope about to snap
Going forward is dangerous
Returning a bit is almost impossible

The world at large is all upon me
Tackling me from different angles
Allowing me little or no breathing space
Still its burdens come
Increasing rapidly as days pass by

In school, faced with hardships
At home unsafe
Running away only worsens the case
In fact I am almost succumbing

But that I will not do
For my last and only chance
Is to seek the help of God Almighty
Never to be overcome by the world

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